Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Local shooting at Discovery Middle school...

So last Friday, a 14 year old student shot another 14 year old student at Discovery Middle School in Madison City and killed him. You can read several articles about it here. It's just tragic really. Now they are trying to determine if the 14 year old that's been accused and is in custody, should be tried as an adult or not. I'm really torn on this. I mean - I think at 14 - he certainly should know right from wrong and the consequences of his actions. But does he really? Does he fully understand them all? Also, does someone that young deserve a second chance? I try to look at it and wonder - what if it were my son that was killed - what would I want then? Would it be justice to lock away this kid for the rest of his life? That wouldn't bring my son back. My son is just about to turn 13 years old and he still does some really "stupid" things - so I just don't know - What do y'all think about it? Do you have an opinion on this? In the end, I just think it was/is a complete tragedy all around for both families involved and I pray that there is some relief for all involved.


Anonymous said...

I have mixed emotions about this - on one hand I believe that this kid did know what he was doing and that the other kid would probably die from being shot (it was point-blank in the back of the head). But on the other hand, I believe everyone should have a second chance. So maybe, life with parole? or something.

HoosierHerm said...

I realize I'm a little late with this response, but I just read the post. WoW, this is a tough one Kel' !
On one hand, I agree with Ari's comment, that the kid knew what he was doing, and that great harm would come to the other boy. But,...this is one of those events where all the sociologists and bleeding hearts will want to blame the blood-soaked video games and movies that today's kids are subjected to.
Yes, there's a lot to be said about adolescent's grasp on reality, and how they can confuse the computer-generated violence they use in cyber-world, and the real violence like they see on the news.
About all we can do is pray for both families, then hope that the judge makes a good decision ?