Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A new art class!

I'm so excited! I'm going to start an art class tomorrow night - oil painting portraits. I've done oil painting before, but I've never done portraits - so this will be a real challenge for me. PLUS, it's really been a while since I've worked much with oils as well. So it's starting over again with that. I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be once a week for 3 hours at a time. The first BIG challenge is to decide who to do a portrait of. Do I do a portrait of myself? a relative? someone I know - or a random stranger? That's tough - this is my first attempt - how tied to this do I want to be as I butcher them... hmmm. I've been printing off some pictures trying to get ideas and narrow it down. I'm going to keep it a surprise for right now until I get it started. We shall see. I'll take pictures of my progress and keep you updated. I hope this will really help me get back into my art - it's been far too long. My recent trip up to Nashville has really inspired me. I went up there with 2 of the most awesome people I know (my mother in law Connie and our friend Marti). Marti is an incredible artist and was having an art opening the LeQuire Gallery. It was a great show - what beautiful art we saw! I saw lots of art that inspired me! Anyway - after that - I want to create. We shall see - I'll keep you updated and let you know what's going on with it. Wish me luck! ;)


Anonymous said...

Yay art classes!! I hated oils - it was too much work for me - but I love the results. I would definately suggest you use a photo that has the subject in profile or 3/4 profile - when you're looking straight on the perspective gets a little funky and frustrating.

Can't wait to hear how you do!! Where are you taking classes at?

Kelwhy said...

Taking the classes at HAL - very excited about it. I am just really struggling with what portrait to do right now. I have about 15 pictures printed out, gonna bring them all and let the teach help me pick. The problem is she said it's easiest to start with an adult - which i understand, otherwise, i'd do the kids. Oh well, we shall see. Thanks for the encouragement - I'll let you know how I do. wish me luck! ;)

HoosierHerm said...

Sounds like that trip to Nashville really got the Artistic juices flowing ! I'm looking forward to the updates from your class, I love paintings and sketches,..but I can't draw anything but Flies !$#%!

T.J. said...

I wish I had artistic talent of that type. I can take a mean photo, but ask me to draw/paint something?

Better to die.

I do have to say tho, I'm disturbed that you're taking your lessons from the computer from 2001: A Space Odessy...

See: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0002900/

HoosierHerm said...

LoL on TJ's remark !
Don't trust that friggin' psycho computer !!

Anonymous said...

One of my great regrets is that I can't draw or paint worth a crap! Can't wait to see how your painting goes!