Monday, October 05, 2009

Random bits and pieces about kelwhy...

  • I love bleu cheese, but I don't like bleu cheese dressing unless I am eating Buffalo wings - then I love it! YUM.
  • My favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story. I know they totally overplay it every Christmas, but it kills me - I love it. I love Ralphie, he reminds me of my little brother, Kevin! ;) Too funny.
  • I completely suck at video games. I really wish that I could play them, but everytime that I try to play with the kids, I'm reminded how horrible I really am at them and I should not be playing these. sigh...
  • I could eat Pasta every day of the week - I mean it, really, every single day of the week - just bring it on - I love me some pasta!
  • I wish I were more creative - that's something that I would change about me... I just don't have that "creative" streak in me... and that's not something you can just add... you really have to work at that one...


k bare said...

i'm sorry but...
i truly beg to differ about that creativity thing.

HoosierHerm said...

1st off, We all know you are creative, so don't be dissing yourself !
2nd, If you ever tried My homemade Bleu Cheese Dressing, you would want it on every salad you ate, plus, mine is so good, people use it as chip dip when there are no wings available !
3rd, In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Braggart !, But only about my foods and cooking skills !

T.J. said...

I'm going to tackle these one by one:

1. My bleu cheese dressing is better than Herman's. Yeah, that's right, I said it.

2. I double-dog dare you!!

3. Well, being the tech whore that I am, I have to ask what games/systems you're playing on. I might be able to turn you on to some video that you can do.....

4. Pasta is good, and with the right selection of noodles and sauces, I could certainly eat a lot of it, but every day? I don't know. Pizza for sure tho.

5. I think you need to qualify that 'creative' thing, cause I've seen some of your artwork, and it's not only creative, but beautiful

Kelwhy said...

Well yeah - i am artistic, I just have a super hard time with the creativity part. The actual coming up with the art part... ya' know?

T.J. said...

Ah...Well, I can see that. It can be tough to find the spark of ivention.


Heather Rose said...

People call me creative all the time, but I don't think I believe it. To tell you the truth, I really don't know if anyone comes up with anything anymore. I mean, there really isn't anything "new" under the sun. It's all been done.

That being said, when I feel like I can't come up with something exciting/intriguing I do a lot of searching for images I'm just drawn to. I save them all, or print them out, and then I obsess/study them. I make a list of what it is about all the images that attracts me.

That usually helps me come up with something to go on. An idea, a feeling, something. ^_^