Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!

14 years ago today I married the man of my dreams... sigh! It wasn't love at first sight or anything - we grew together. But I truly feel that he's my soulmate - is that mushy? Well, whatever... How did I know that he was the one? I don't know exactly - it was the little things...
  • He's totally boss. He's the cheese to my macaroni...
  • I remember the first time that I met him - totally cool, leaning against the cooler in the kitchen at Chi-Chi's with a few of the other guys, he was a waiter and I was a hostess at the time. He laid some "slick" line on me and I thought... "oh good lord - who does this guy think he is?"... hahh.
  • We can finish each others thoughts and sentences - and seriously, we have always been that way.
  • We started off as friends first... really good friends, and I enjoyed hanging out with him.
  • We went putt-putting on our first-first date (we had 2 first dates), and to Olive Garden for dinner. After that back to his apartment where we watched Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man - it was a very awkward, not very good first date. (I can't quite put it into words here) We just decided not to date again. Obviously, we changed our minds and did date again - had a second first date almost 8 months later - that one went MUCH better... lol. We stayed friends the whole time - so it wasn't like we didn't talk or anything...
  • One of the first times that I knew he might be the one for me - We had a patron at Chi-Chi's that passed away. He was a regular that was just part of our family - we all loved him. At the "get-together" to celebrate him and his life, I broke down and was just standing there crying - Steve just came over and held me. That was it. He just held me and my feelings for him changed there and then. He was there for me, he knew how to comfort and support me.

Anyway - there are a zillion other things about him - but I'm not posting them here for you to read! hahh. I just feel lucky that I have found my FuddyDuddy out there and we have other. I think we'll go out to the Bistro for some wonderful dinner tonight and spoil ourselves! Can't wait! ;) mmmm.... Hope you have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! :)

HoosierHerm said...

That's such a Nice Love Story, and my Favorite part is, "We were friends first".
I've been through 1 marriage, and countless romances and Live-ins, but it took me until my mid-forties before I realized that "liking" someone, and enjoying their company makes for a much better relationship than those, "Lust at first sight, red-hot sex for weeks" kinda deals.
Congrat's to You Both, and Many Happy Returns !
P.S. I was in the restaurant / tavern biz for 38 years, so your story from Chi-Chi's really resonated with me !

T.J. said...

Grats to you two.

Sorry I'm so late know how it is.