Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I was tagged...

I have been tagged by Ari to list 7 random/odd/quirky things about myself, I guess she didn't realize that to narrow it down to JUST 7 things would be awfully hard for me... but here I go...

  1. I count the doorways and sometimes windows, as I'm walking through a house or a building - always trying to make a pattern out of it.
  2. I have a habit of tapping my left pinky finger as I'm trying to figure out what to type sometimes and that taught me that if you happen to tap the shift key 5 times, it turns on the "StickyKeys" function of my keyboard. Didn't know that before.
  3. I have always wanted to collect limoges boxes - but I don't own a single one.
  4. If my feet get hot while I am sleeping, it will cause me great anxiety and i will practically have a fit until I can get my feet out from under the covers.
  5. I hate, absolutely drives me nuts, for someone to touch my belly button - I can't even touch it myself. I also hate to see someone rubbing there belly button - in fact, just thinking about it now is really giving me the willies. ick.
  6. I have just picked up knitting and am almost done with my very first scarf. It's not all that pretty, but I'm very proud of it! I enjoy it.
  7. I need more cowbell.

So there you. My quirks. So now I need to share the love and pass this tag along to 7 other lucky bloggers using these basic rules:

+ link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.

+ share seven facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird.

+ tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.

+ let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or twitter.

So.... I'm gonna tag: Johnny, Snag, TJ, Blissful Babe, oh... and whoever else wants to play along. Let me know if you do it! love ya'!


Anonymous said...

I'm off to figure out what the "StickyKeys" function is....

BO Snagley said...

after i did my list i realized that i am nuts

Beth said...

I did it! I did it!!

And I realized that that is why I don't have any friends. *sniff sniff snarf*

I need to figure out the 'StickyKeys' deal, too. What?