Thursday, September 10, 2009

SO much to catch up on...

It's been awhile, so lots and lots to catch up...
  • FOOTBALL is here! Are we all thrilled and excited!?! yes! The College Football season has started with a bang. My Buckeye's finished off with a win - not a very great win - but a win nonetheless, and I'll take it! The Alabama Crimson Tide, however finished off with a very exciting win over #7 Virginia Tech! What a game that was! This weekend is the BIG GAME for Ohio State - vs. USC at 7:00 cst - cannot wait. It's at home in the horseshoe - GO BUCKEYE's!!!
  • We spent this past weekend in Georgia at the Seeeemons new abode. It was quite loverly! They were most hospitable! We had an absolute blast there! We watched tons and tons of football, we ate loads of food that was heavenly and we visited with wonderful friends. What a great weekend. It was the the 4 of us Wrights, Donnie and Cameron, and the 4 simmons - it was fun for all.
  • However, on Monday morning when we got ready to leave - it was not good. I woke up not feeling... "right". NO - i was not hung over. It was the start of a nasty bug. I was down with it til this morning - the good news tho was that I lost 5 pounds - woohoo! ;) hahh. I won't go into any of the nasty details about the virus except to say, that I don't want that bug again - ick. That was the longest 5 hour drive home from Georgia! Hated that.
  • So, here we are and I have to catch up on work now... I hate that.
  • Did y'all have a good labor day weekend? what'd you do exciting?
  • Go Steelers tonight - that's for my brother Kevin in Myrtle Beach... :)
  • and I'm outta here - gonna go home and rest, then log back on to catch up on my work email. FUN STUFF. Hope y'all have a great Thursday night!
  • ta ta for now...

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