Monday, August 17, 2009

The People, the tradition, the excellence...

Wow - what a crazy, crazy weekend. It was fun - but I'm seriously getting too old to do this shit! ;) damn. We left Huntsvegas on Thursday afternoon and drove to Florence, KY and spent the night at Big Steve's new house. It's very nice, we had a great visit and drank too much wine and stayed up way too late - as always! Then we got up bright and early on Friday morning and headed on into Canton to mom and dad's house to visit with them and prepare for Fuddy's high school reunion part one.
So, Friday night we go out to the Geisen - which I always love - and have the "informal" reunion. Everyone had a great night and they had to push us out the doors of Geisen at 2:30 am - I think Fuddy had a really good time there catching up with everyone. Saturday morning came all too early - but I was doing OK since I was the driver on Friday night - shwew! ;) I don't think Fuddy felt as good as me that morning. hahh. We got up and went to breakfast and then came back and went back to bed - my parents had the kids and took off to places unknown, thankfully! We visited awhile and then packed up and went to his parents house to hang out all day and get ready for High school reunion part 2 - The Main Event!
Had lots of yummy foods all day at my in-laws and some beers and then we got ready and went out Saturday night to the Main Event. Fuddy's younger brother was our driver that night so that we could both "partake" in the festivities. It was a good time, interesting to meet these people that he went to school with - they were all really nice. Hope to keep in touch with a few of them - we shall see. We didn't stay out as late that night, after all - we had to drive back to Bama the next day - 10 hours in the car hungover would not be a good thing! ick. So we got back to the house and crashed, slept in - had some breakfast and packed up and left.
The drive home wasn't horrible I guess - it is what it is... I guess we are sorta used to it. Anyway, we got to visit with both of our parents, see his old friends from high school and see Big Steve - so I guess that was a good trip - I'm gonna need about a week to recover from it tho! Wish we could get up there to see everyone more often... oh well.

Anyway, more updates later... hope y'all had a great weekend too! chat with you later...

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