Monday, August 10, 2009

Buy One, Get One Free!

Don't you wish more things were Buy one get one? Well, probably if they were then the prices would just be all jacked up so it really wouldn't matter in the first place - would it? Oh well - what can you do? sigh. So did y'all have a good weekend? Yep, me too. It was a bizzy weekend, but good anyway. We did manage to get the kids all prepped and ready for school and then out the door and to school today! woohoo! ;) How bout them apples? Good stuff.

Lil girl was very excited about it - she was up and dressed before the alarms even went off this morning. I went in to wake her up and found her dressed - lol - too funny. I said, "i was going to cuddle with you for a bit" so she dived back in bed so we could cuddle before getting up. hahh! so funny.

So, I've got a bit more to do this week, we are heading to Ohio on Thursday afternoon as soon as the kids get outta school. Fuddy's 20th High school reunion is this weekend. Should be fun, I'm looking forward to it. We didn't go to the same school - so I won't know anyone, but still - I'm anxious to meet some of the people that he knew. PLUS - I still have to figure out what I'm going to wear and all that. Boy oh boy. hmmm. Guess it'll all work out - it always does... We'll be going to Geisenhaus Friday night, and then some Country Club even Saturday night - I can't wait for Geisen - that's always a good time - I gotta remember to bring my stein with us on the trip! ;)

Well, that's bout all that I know for now - guess I'll chat with y'all later - hope you're having a great day... ta ta for now...

What else? Can't really think of anything else

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