Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I have the best friends!

I came home last night to all kinds of cool stuffs... woohoo! What a joy! I mean, Monday's just suck. So, to come home to all kind of cool pretties just rock. Yep - completely. So, first, I open the mailbox and there's a birthday card in there from my mom and dad - a great little birthday book with a check - $40 for 40 ;) gotta love that. THEN, as if that's not enough, I get inside and not only had she sent that, but she sent a little package with odds and ends for the kids and also included a cute little snail knob for my kitchen (I'll have to send a pic of that tonight). THEN, as if that's not enough, TJ had also sent a great little package too. He sent some more of the really great change... and then this completely awesome bowl that his son made, I love it! What a great artist your son is - this bowl is SOOOO beautiful, it is just gorgeous really. I'm jealous, and wish I could do stuff like this!

BUT, it's not half as cool as what TJ himself MADE for me and had his son glaze and fire for me... check this out - my very own Kelwhy coin! ;) how cool is that!!!

Anyway, I just had to send out thanks to all for all my cool stuffs. I love all of it. You ROCK. This is a really great Birthday Week so far! ;) LOL! I should turn 40 more often! ;) TJ, I totally owe you - all of this is wonderful stuff. Thank you, thank you! OK y'all... I gotta get to work. Hope you have a great day now... I've got to think of something cool to send to TJ.... hmmm... something that he can't get out there in Carson City, something from Huntsvegas... I'll have to think on that. OK, have a great day and I'll chat with you later. Love ya! ;)


Anonymous said...

Awesome birthday gifts!!!! Oh, and Happy Birthday!

HoosierHerm said...

Happy B'Day KelWhy ! Don't you just Love getting those cool packages from TJ & Son ? I got my last one several weeks ago, and I'm still busily collecting neat stuff to re-gift to T for all his magical stuff.
It's nice too, for you to have a new post, I was gettin' a little worried there for a minute, but it sounds like you are Fine & Forty !

T.J. said...

Happy Birthday, Hawtness.

I was wondering when that would get there....



Anonymous said...

What awesome presents! Hope you have a great bday! :)