Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The presumed dealer cracks the guest.

Yes, that was another randomly generated sentence title - how could you tell? weird. Anyway, here we are on another Wednesday. Yep - 1/2 way through the week - deep sigh of relief. SIGH. I have my Next Steps running group tonight - 3 miles again. I'm not sure if I'm feeling up to it - augh. But, I'll do it. It's much easier when I get out there with the group - with everyone running around you, you just can do it - it's not hard. Tonight we're switching up to the 5 minute run/1 minute walk - I'm really not sure that I'm there yet. I struggled a little bit with the 4 minute/1 minute last week. Guess we shall see then. Hmmm.

OK, what else. Lots going on, and nothing going on at the same time...
  • Diet is going very well this week. I have lost my Binge-eating weight from last week - shwew. That's a big relief. I feel good and haven't struggled with the diet at all this week either. It's been easy since Saturday. That's always a good thing. Even when I made the family grilled cheese sandwiches last night (one of my fav's) it was easy to cook that for them and eat my sauteed spinach. The spinach KICKED ASS by the way, damn did it turn out good! So, when I'm doing things like that, it's not so bad.
  • I have to get my clothes and the kids clothes ready for NYC. It's still cold up there, so we'll have to pack warm and my kids are kinda lacking in that area. Lil man doesn't even have a winter coat - I mean, we just don't need it so much around here. So I have to go buy him a winter coat - for one week vacation! AUGH. Hmm... maybe I can hit the thrift store today - now that's an idea, I'll try that at lunch. Both of the kids need jeans too - I bet I can find some there cheap. See - ideas are flowing now, this could work.
  • My daddy's bday is next week so I picked up some bday cards to mail and sent off a really cool gift last night - I think he'll like it. He's ALWAYS so hard to buy for - I mean, if he wants it, he goes and buys it. So anyway, I did a personalized golf towel with pics of the kids all dressed funny and holding golf clubs. Don't you just love Snapfish? He's a big golfer now that he's retired and has the time - so that'll work.

OK then, that's what's happening in my world. I need to run and get my reports finished up and get busy! Hope y'all have a great day!

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