Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The difference a day makes...

Funny, isn't it? Just one day - and yet SO much can change it that one day. Well, we are moving into cost savings mode now. We have to be careful with our money, just in case it takes longer than we hope for Fuddy to find himself a new job. So, cutting costs... AUGH. We were looking at it last night, trying to figure out just what we can get away with cutting, and where we can cut some corners - etc... FUN.
  • Cable is gone, that's probably fine anyway, we watch too much TV as it is. The kids absolutely do. We can get away with just having the major channels, so that'll work.
  • Lawn care is gone. Who really cares just how green our grass is anyway? We can do most of that on our own and our yard isn't that big in the first place.
  • I'm going to be a coupon clipping queen now - if I can figure out how to do that. Sometimes I think you end up spending more money using coupons, cuz you have to buy the larger size - or the name brand, when the store brand is half the price - duh! lol.
  • I've slightly reduced my 401K deductions from my paycheck (just a tiny bit).
  • Fuddy will not be going to NYC with us. He can't afford to take that week off now. And that completely SUX. The kids and I will still go, and it will be fun - but damn, I really, really would like for him to be there. :(

I don't know, we need to come up with more cost savings ideas - any one have them??? Are you doing anything differently right now due to the "recession"? Let me know - we're gonna need it! ;)


Anonymous said...

I've been making larger batches of food and freezing what I can...and keep the heat turned down and wearing more layers...and car pooling whenever possible...

I'm so sorry to hear about Fuddy's job...I'll let you know if I hear of anything good

Beth said...

Dude. As soon as you get more tips, lemme know. :\

Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

One of the keys to the coupon thing is to ONLY use coupons for things you were going to buy anyways. Don't buy crap just because you found a coupon for it.

Best of luck on the job hunt!