Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lucy - you have some 'splaining to do...

Well, a bit to catch up on here.... I'm a slacker - but then, y'all already knew that - didn't you? hahh. OK so... here we go...
  • Still struggling a bit with the homework issues, but by the end of last week it did seem to be slightly better. So, i'm keeping my fingers crossed that this week will continue to improve -we'll see. He did have to write me a 2 page essay Friday and Saturday on Respect. That was interesting, he did a fairly decent job on it I guess - all things considering.
  • We just booked flights to go to NYC for Spring Break. Woo hoo! We'll fly up on the 16th of March and back home on the 22nd. Steve's Grandma Mary lives about 30 min outside of the city, so that'll be really nice to see her and go visit some cool stuff. Not sure what all we'll go see... I'd like to take the kids to at least one museum and also possibly to see the Statue of Liberty. Probably what I'll do is get a NYC travel book and let them look through it and see what they want to go see...
  • We had yesterday off and the kids and I went to go see Twilight - FINALLY! ahhh.... Edward... sigh. [fanning myself]. It was a pretty good movie, not as good as the book of course - but they never are. Alex is in the middle of the book now, so he wanted to see it too, we all liked it.
  • Friday night, we went over to my running buddy Annette's house and hung out with them. I drank way too much wine and felt pretty overhung on Saturday. Not to mention, I think that I'm still battling that nasty cold too - I've been feeling crappy all weekend. :( I hate that.
  • Friday - they'd laid off about 195 people globally from my company - there were about 10 or so from my facility. This is just getting scary. Seems like everyday, I'm hearing about someone else that I know of that's losing their job. Time to get the resume together - always be prepared - right? right.

OK - that's all that I know for now. I hope that y'all are having a great Tuesday and I'll catch up with you more later... love you! mean it! ;)

1 comment:

T.J. said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've read 3 of the books.

My sis was less than impressed with the movie, tho.

I bought envelopes, so keep an eye on the mail.
