Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Homework blues...

I am having so much trouble with 6th grade homework. AUGH. OK, well, not so much that I'm doing the homework - getting my son to do his homework. What a nightmare! Last night we spent 2 hours just COPYING HIS SPELLING WORDS down. yes, TWO HOURS. Why? Well, my dear, wonderful, young son is quite easily distracted. He gets up to sharpen his pencil and returns to the table a half hour later. It's really quite amazing how easily distracted he does get (he gets that from his father). He didn't bring home half of the assignments that he was supposed to complete last night, didn't bring his assignment book home, - I could go on and on here. I came home last night and none of their chores were done, and none of their homework had been done yet either. I don't get it. They have plenty of time to get that stuff done AND still time to play... what's the problem? I'm getting to the end of my rope very quickly on this issue. We sit down with him every night and then spend nearly ALL night working on homework. I can't get him organized, I can't get him focused. I don't know what to do? Any thoughts or ideas on how to help a 6th grade boy get focused on his homework? We've taken away TV, we've taken away play time, we've taken away wrestling (he was going to join this week), there's not much else to take away now. I'm going to start adding homework for on the weekends I believe. Making him write some essay's and do workbook pages or something like that. Maybe that'll hit home. who the heck knows... any way - just needed to vent a bit, thanks for listening! I'm outta here for now...


T.J. said...

Not sure what to tell you on the homework front....

But I want you to participate in a 'thing' I'm doing....go check out the post 'Things have got to change' over at my place.



Cake Lady said...

If you find the answer, please share it with me. I'm having the same problem with GI Joe.

Heather Rose said...

Your son sounds just like my friend's little boy. He refuses to focus. It's not that he can't. I've seen him sit still for like ever when it's something he wants to do. It's SO FRUSTRATING!! I tried helping once and I almost duct taped him to the kitchen chair.

She's working on constancy. It sounds like you already have that though.

Maybe weekend homework will "inspire" him.