Thursday, September 16, 2004

On this day 9 years ago...

At this time, 9 years ago today...I was still single...waking up and starting to get ready for my wedding. It was a good day. A beautiful fall day in Ohio, my friends (the girls who were going to be in my wedding) started to come over that morning around 10ish. We went and did a bit of shopping, getting the last few odds and ends for the wedding that evening at 6:30. Then we went to lunch at TGIFriday's - mostly a liquid lunch, it was really nice. We left there and went in to Chi-Chi's, which is where both my hubby and I, and ALL of our friends worked at the time. We had a round of margaritas and visted with everyone. The manager there, was freaking out that I wasn't at home getting ready yet - very funny! They were really great to work for, in fact, since so many of us were going to be out from the wedding - they brought in servers and bartenders from other Chi-Chi's in the area to cover for all of us to be at the wedding. That was really cool. So anyway, we finally left and went back to my house to start getting ready for the wedding. a bit of backstory quickly - our original Honeymoon was all set, scheduled and planned for St. Martins Island, well, on Sept. 2nd of that year, Hurricane Luis came through and wiped it all out. OH - so we rescheduled, and planned to go to Puerto Rico. Very good. So, as I'm at our house getting ready the day of our wedding, Steve calls to tell me that Hurricane Marilyn has come through and wiped out Puerto Rico. OH...OK, that's fine...I don't care! LOL! I'm fine, really...anyway, what can I do? Not much. So we get ready, then the Limo comes to pick us up and takes us to the park for pictures. We do that and get to the church, putting on all of the final touches - and girlie stuff. I was fine, it was a very nice, relaxing day. I was going to marry my best friend and an incredible man - I was extrememely lucky to have found my one and only, and I knew it. Well, my dad came to get me to walk me up the aisle, we walked through the church and came up to the back of the chapel to start the walk. When I turned the corner and saw how full the Chapel was, I started getting shakey...then I looked in and the first people that I saw were 2 of my best friends, Trisha and Susan. We had become friends after the wedding had been set, so they were not in the party - but they were certainly a big part of it nonetheless. Anyway, I walked around the corner and saw them and I thought I was going to lose it. They were both teary eyed, looking at me and smiling. I just gripped on to my dad's arm tighter...OH BOY! But, as we started up the aisle, and everyone standing, smiling, I saw Steve up there and everything was OK. When we got to the front, and finally got to the part where Dad "gives me to the groom", it was so odd, seeing my big strong dad there with a tear in his away his little girl. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then took my husbands hand. It was a wonderful ceremony - quick and to the point! Now, 9 wonderful years later - Here we are! I am incredibly happy with this man. He is still my best friend and I love him more each day. The time has really flown by, I can't believe it's been 9 years. Anyway, Happy Anniversary Honey. I LOVE you with every bit of my existence, you are the best thing in my world, you are my best friend, and I look forward to MANY, Many, more happy years together!

OH - almost forgot, of course one of the main reasons I married him - it was AWESOME sex, just that really incredible, hot sex. (and still is - wink, wink) Of course, mom...aunt...if you are reading this - I didn't discover that until AFTER we were married, of course...that's what I mean...yeah, sure...

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