Friday, March 06, 2009

Well, today is another day...

I'm feeling somewhat better this morning - so let's keep our fingers crossed that I stay that way! ;) Last night was pretty rough. I felt so-so, was making dinner and just got worse and worse... before i know it, I'm snapping at everyone and just completely losing it. I was feeling awful, my head was spinning so bad - I just couldn't take it. I didn't even eat dinner in the end, just sat down with them at the table and watched them eat - went to my room, puked and went to bed. nice, huh? I took my meds which completely knocked me out and i think i was asleep by 7:30 or so. I woke up around midnight to go to the bathroom and I'm not sure if I got up too fast, or what - but as I'm walking to the bathroom, I realize i'm going to be sick and sure enough, I just made it in time. I felt much better after that, and slept OK the rest of the night. I woke up feeling much better, so we shall see. I need to call the doc today and see if they've gotten me that appt with the neurologist yet - I'd really like to get in there right away and at the very least, get some tests run to rule out stuff. This could be just a virus - who knows? weird stuff going on. Most likely, I'm getting stressed out over everything and just going nuts. LOL - well, more nuts than usual - hahh!

BUT - the good news is that today is Friday! hallelujah!!! I am so looking forward to the weekend and just relaxing. I need to get a few things done around the house and just chill. That's the plan right now anyway. I hope to go running tonight and see how that goes. OK y'all - that's all that I know for now. Hope you are having a wonderful Friday morning! Talk at ya' later.... me.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Methinks that maybe running tonight prolly isn't such a swell idea. Maybe?

I do hope you are still feeling better. After all, it IS Friday. Friday is FeelGood Day!!
