Monday, March 02, 2009

Hey there, remember me??? ;)

Yeah, I've been out of it for a bit. Sorry, about that... So, I'm going to try to do better and post more often. TRY.

How are things going for you? Good I hope.

OK, so some catch-up stuffs.... I think this calls for a bulleted list, just because i like those so much! ;) hahah.
  • OK, last wed. was our first meeting for my "next steps" running group - this is a 10k training group. We met and got our packets and did the sign up and all of that jazz. This wed. we meet and run 3 miles! shwew. I got out yesterday and ran 2.8 miles and felt pretty good after it too. According to our running schedule that they passed out, I'm s'posed to do 3 miles tonight too - I gotta find somewhere to run. Hmmm. So, I'm not as stressed out about wed's run as i initially thought i was going to be. Yesterdays run wasn't so bad. I think i might actually be able to do this. We shall see.
  • I've been desperately trying to diet - you know, i'm always doing that. LOL. Anyway, since superbowl, I have lost 6 lbs total (I was down like 9/10 lbs, but didn't do so good this weekend). I have also lost 11" overall, so to me, that's almost more impressive than actually losing the lbs. Altho, I really want to lose those lbs. It's frustrating! I do feel better tho, and I think i look better too - my clothes are definitely fitting better. So that's all good stuff.... sure whatever. ;)
  • We are getting ready for a trip to NYC for spring break. I'm SO excited about that! We'll be flying up there for a week. WOOHOO! I can't wait to go. There's just soo many things that I want to see and do while we are there, how do you narrow it down?? We're definitely going to go see a Broadway play - I've always wanted to do that, and I think the kids will enjoy it too. Any thoughts or ideas on something/some place that we should see while we are there? Lemme know! It'll still be pretty cold while we're there - so, I guess that limits it a little bit - but not much really.
  • Fuddy's 20th High school reunion is this summer - 8/15. So we will be planning another trip up to Ohio this summer - I'm looking forward to that, it'll be interesting to meet these people that he went to school with. So that's one more thing that I have to get into shape for! ;) I have to show up as his trophy wife - hahh! LOL.

OK y'all - that's just a quick "what's up" with me. I will be better about posting more regularly and keeping y'all in the crazy loop of my life! Now, I need to go out there and read what y'all are up to! Have a great day and talk to ya later!


Beth said...

OMG. Kelwhy? Is that really you?
Well, if it wasn't for Facebook, I would have been sure that you went off and done died or something.

Welcome back, girl. We missed ya!

And congrats on the weight loss! That's super fabulicious!!!


T.J. said...

Woo Hoo, Kelwhy's back.

Missed ya, girl.


Anonymous said...

congrats on the weight loss!

welcome back!