Wednesday, December 03, 2008

So much to catch up on...

  • We had an absolutely wonderful turkey day (both of them) we ate tons of great food and enjoyed ourselves.
  • The chi-chi's reunion went over really great! I had SO MUCH FUN! Oh my, what a time it was. We had a really great turnout - we went to GeisenHaus, which is a local canton bar that we all used to hang out at. I actually worked there eons ago. Anyway, we had maybe 40 or 50 people show up and we got re-acquainted and it was nice. I had many many beers, but I don't think i did anything incredibly stupid. I don't think. I was very proud of my ink and was running around pulling my pants down showing my tats to anyone that would look my way - oh well, what can you do? [shrugging my shoulders]. I posted most of my pics up on my facebook, so if you're one of my friends on there, you can check them out - otherwise - tuff, you're outta luck.
  • As you can imagine, I was a bit hungover then on Saturday - but after a nap or two, I was good to go and we did round 2 of chi-chi's party on Saturday night. A bunch of them came by my in-laws house and hung out with us, brought the kids this time and it was fun.
  • The drive home on Sunday sucked a big one. I don't even wanna talk about it, but it's done and over. shwew.
  • I'm starting to get sick, it just came on super-quick last night and i'm feeling all clogged up and achey. AUGH, hate it. my throat is starting to ache, i'm not liking this at all.
  • I'm going to take up knitting. I think it'll be fun and will help my creative side be more creative. I don't think it's an "old lady" thing to do anymore, I'm really lookin forward to it - gotta go buy some stuff to get started. I'll start with something easy like a chunky scarf. We'll see.

That's all that I got right now, gotta run and get ready to get outta here. Hope y'all have a great night! ;)


Tricia said...

1. I had a great time as well!
2. I was out for the count after you guys left - you bring out the partier in me!
3. I don't understand knitting - but ok.
4. I think I'll be recouped to see you guys again in December!

Anonymous said...

You need to take some Vitamin C - it'll help you get over the crud quicker!

If you need any knitting help - let me know, I'd be glad to help!

Heather Rose said...

Hooray for knitting!! ^__^