Last night, even tho I really didn't want to, I met a few people from my running group to go running with them - and I ran 2 miles - RUNNING the whole way! This is huge for me - I can't tell you how excited and pumped I am about it now! I've been running for 3 minutes, walking 1 minute - etc... but this time I did it and ran the whole way. I felt GOOD. That's a RED LETTER day. ;) Yeah, I already know how geeky I am - so don't worry about it.
Looks like this 5K is still a good goal, that I'm still going to be able to do it! man - am I sore today tho - my thighs are killing me! It was almost all downhill, a very steep downhill. shwew.
anyway - just wanted to share that - hope all is well with you! chat more later.
better than all up hill I think
Woo Hoo Hoo.
Conga Rats.
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