Monday, April 07, 2008

39 in 39...

I'm "borrowing" this idea from Sprizee, she just created her list and I thought - what a great idea - since my bday is coming up this weekend, I'm gonna do one too! Of course, mine is slightly longer than hers - oh well... Here is my list - in no particular order...
  1. Get a new haircut/style.
  2. Clean and organize my bedroom closet! It would be nice to be able to step into it...
  3. Run a 5k.
  4. Read more historical/autobiographical books.
  5. Do more cheap and quick weekend trips with the family.
  6. Go on dates with hubby.
  7. Organize a dinner group to meet monthly.
  8. Take a painting class, and set up a "painting corner" in my house.
  9. Have our family portrait made.
  10. Have a girls night out.
  11. Ride my bike to the store instead of driving.
  12. Re-decorate the master bedroom and bathroom - on a shoestring budget.
  13. Join a yoga class.
  14. Change out the hardware in my kitchen - it's hideous!
  15. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  16. Plant a veggie/herb garden.
  17. Send birthday cards to my family.
  18. Write more letters and notes throughout the year and send to my family - "just cuz."
  19. Celebrate the little things.
  20. Get my resume up to date.
  21. Be happy.
  22. See more movies in the theater.
  23. Watch a sunrise.
  24. Watch a sunset.
  25. Have lunch at school with the kids more often.
  26. Organize a "Light the Night" team at work and raise more money than we did last year.
  27. Visit somewhere new this year.
  28. Go to the library more with the kids.
  29. Work out somewhat more regularly.
  30. Buy 1 piece of really good clothing every season - save up for it.
  31. Learn something new.
  32. Teach the kids something new.
  33. Go camping.
  34. See Rock City.
  35. Get a makeover.
  36. Start a family tree to hand down to my kids.
  37. Put flowers on 'mothers' grave.
  38. Go to the art museum at least every other month.
  39. Feed the ducks.

1 comment:

T.J. said...

Good list. I'd have to do 42 in 42, but that's just too many things to list. I'd get carpal tunnel or something....

Oh, and your 'J' words are up.
