Monday, March 24, 2008

Dreams and such...

Dear, dear diary,
I want to tell my secrets
Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep them
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets
I've been a bad, bad girl
I've been a bad, bad girl ---- Pink

Do you keep a journal? I've always wanted to, but have not been successful in doing so. I guess in a way I do keep a journal - this blog. I started this blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends back home in Ohio. Tricia got me started - it's all her fault! Anyway, once I started on this - I was hooked, and I've blogged ever since. It's a great way of keeping in touch with people, of marking milestones in my life, of letting others know my feelings on certain subjects... but that's where it does get slightly "touchy" I mean - I can't really let it all out here. This is a public forum after all and some of what I really want to say on here - I can't or I won't as the case may be. Some people are brutally honest on their blogs and put all the gory details on there, some do so - but in a completely anonymous way. That's just not me - I'm honest, but there are some things that are just not "postable" for one reason or another. That makes me think of that new show - "The Moment of Truth". What a completely HORRIBLE show. Have you seen this show? It's unbelievable - just really, really unbelievable. What these people do to their family and friends is simply unacceptable. Anyway, I'm babbling now... so I'll go away. I was just thinking about some of this today and wanted to share...

Do you blog - and if so...why do you blog? What about journal or diary? Do you do that?

1 comment:

T.J. said...

Like you, my blog is my journal. Unlike you, I pretty much put anything down that comes to mind. I have very strong opinions and I don't really care who knows what I think.

I have a couple co-workers that are following that 'Moment' crap, so I've gotten flashes from around the eges of how bad it can be. Wouldn't watch in on a bet.....

Oh, and I love Pink. Maybe not the most macho thing to admit, but there you have it.....