Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Sorry - I've just been swamped lately...

so I haven't been able to keep up with everyone and what's been going on, let alone keep up with my own blog.

So just a quick review of what's happening -
The chuckster has moved back to What's up chuck (mental note to self - change that on my blogroll), apparently he's a lazy blogger like myself so he went back to the ease of Blogger. It's hard running your own site.
Clint - a hot dad from the midwest! Love to hear what's going on with him. He did a disappearing act recently, but he's back! Thank goodness.
Rock is still having issues with wifey, I don't know Rock - it really doesn't sound promising if she's the one bringing up the topic of divorce.
Well, apparently Jen hasn't been a good blogger either - her last post is from 8/25! Worse then mine - goodness.
Johnny - one of my fav's cuz he makes me laugh and smile! I heart Johnny. Anyway, apparently he's an idiot cuz he sent some friends bday wishes a week early - I say that's not an idiot, that's just... early - no biggie. So far he's kicking ass on his fantasy football league - was there ever any question? and he needs a calgon bath in a bad way. Johnny, let's get together and take a calgon bath - I'll scrub your back for you and wrap my long legs around you! (Fuddy Duddy - that is just a joke, I'll only wrap my legs around you! - but can I at least scrub his back for him???) Plus Johnny is hooked on Laguna Beach - that's his crack cocaine. weird.
Kat - Hopefully all is well here, for some reason I can't pull up her blog from work - damn filters. Anyway, keep her and her son in your prayers.
Maddy's mommy is just a girl on the edge right now, waiting to hear about her possible new change of positions at work, and all the while deal with hubby and baby. FUN STUFF. Hope you had fun at the Buckeye's party Sat. night - I know how it ended and it was ugly at my house. I was seriously pouting over that loss. sigh.
Mel's hanging out at the Karaoke bars and apparently she is DONE with something, and she's learned some kind of sage advice. She's all about writing just for herself, cuz she doesn't ever go into a lot of details out there. very interesting.
Monkey boy - another fav of mine, cuz again - he makes me laugh!! and that's what's important. So, Egan is training for his triathalon next year, killing slugs, making duck noises and exposing George Bush's hatred of midgets. (which is just not a secret) Anyway, I hope to meet up with him when I make my first ever trip to seattle next month, hubby and I may be able to take him and his wife out to dinner or something - that might be nice. Oh - and he claims that he's not a Yuppie, cuz he's not a professional, but he is upwardly mobile - so would that make him a Yummie? Just curious.
Murphy is her same ole crazy self. Where does she come up with some of this stuff? And she makes it look SO easy! I love it! Anyway, she's infuriating friends, finding coupons for tic-tacs and doing something with erotica. Interesting combo.
TJ is out there in the gambling havens standing up for our rights. Well, maybe not exactly our rights, but he's braggin about his neices and celebrating bdays and what a great uncle he is! :)
DRant is still in policeman school, so his posts are here and there. BUSY.
Repochyk - talked to her recently and she's doing OK. Still dealing with her legal issues and all. I would like to say some things about that here but don't want to mess anything up for her. So anyway - she says hello to everyone and let's keep her in our thoughts!
Russki girl is starting back to her studies after taking some of the summer off. LAZY! just kidding - it's ok, now go knit something for me!
Sarcastic Kitty - what can I say about her? There's always something! LOL! She's a wild one, and that's why I like her - very funny. Looks like she's doing pretty good in her fantasy football league too - awesome! Keep going girl!
Snag is back from his WAY too short vacation - aren't they all too short though? And by vacation he means hanging around the Snagley Estate and fixing things up. Not to mention also trying to impregnate his wife. Yeah - we didn't need to know that part Snag. THANKS. haha!
Sprizee is working to hard as always, but on the good side - we can all make it up to her by buying something from here for her. Plus - spriz - did you happen to catch that special on Friday night? Damn, I should've called to tell you about it. oh well - next time.
Standing Naked - This girl has just got ALOT going on, new baby and everything. We love you naked girl - just wanted to give you a shout out!
Stuck - got an email from him not to long ago, doing better but boy did his wifey screw him. Hate to see that. So he's still keeping a low profile for now, but he'll be back.
Tricia is getting wreckless again! AH, poor girl - I can't believe another wreck - damn that just sucks!!! But aside from getting in wrecks and endlessly daydreaming about Egan, she is doing her laundry in the buff. Oh boy, TMI. Hugs to you anyway Trisha girl - miss you lots!
And last - but certainly NOT least - TRICK. What can I say about the Trickster? Well, if you only knew trick like I knew trick - you'd be scared, very scared. I could go on and on about Trick, and one day I will. That is a threat trick - so be afraid! In anycase - she's got some good stuff on her blog and her back and forths with tricia on there just make me laugh - make sure to check that out! Tricia - I mean really - John DENVER'S??? hahaha! Anyway - in other news, trick has magnanimously offered to watch my lil brats when Fuddy Duddy and i go out on Friday night for our 10 year anniversary. Wasn't that nice? Well, it was the least that she could do since she wasn't available for the threesome. (OH THAT IS A JOKE!!!) and did I spell magnanimously correctly? sure hope so, cuz i ain't running spell check here.

Anyway - that's a little look into the blog world that I see daily. The are others too that I check fairly often, but I'm running out of time! So, if I left you off - please forgive you, and update yourself here in my comments!

Hope all is well, take care!

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